Equipment Distribution Day

Before the start of the season, team officials receive their team's uniforms and equipment a the Equipment Distribution Day. This year, uniforms and equipment will be distributed to all U6 to U18 teams on August 28, 2024 - 4pm-8pm.
The location will be the Sutherland School parking lot. Please ensure that a representative from your team comes to pick it up. This is a one-time opportunity to make sure that your team gets their equipment and uniform allocation for the new season.
For more information, see the Uniforms and Equipment sections in our Club Guide
Teams should make every effort to fit their players with the jerseys, shorts and socks provided by the Club. The Club will only provide new jerseys, shorts and socks at no cost to the player if a player fits two sizes outside the range of sizes provided for a team.
If a new player is placed on your team and doesn't fit any of the uniforms supplied to your team, please contact Operations.
Lost Uniform Replacement
Ordering and delivery for lost items is handled directly with the supplier through the Club’s Store
Supplementing Your Equipment Needs
In the pre-season and during the season, teams will be given the opportunity to supplement their equipment needs with used equipment at specific locations on specific dates. The schedule will be posted on the Club website. In rare cases where there is an emergency, and the equipment is needed right away, please contact your age group coordinator for assistance.
The Club does not provide First Aid kits. It is up to each team to obtain a first aid kit.
Lost Equipment
Due to the large quantity of equipment provided to all NVFC teams, the Club can't respond to lost equipment. The team should replace lost equipment.
Resolving Jersey Colour Conflicts
The primary jersey for the Club is red with black shorts and black socks. The red jersey must be worn whenever there is no conflict with the opposing team. When there is a colour conflict, for example NVFC vs. NVFC, the home team will wear the black alternate jersey.