Role of the Team Manager
- Assist the Head Coach with all the organizational and administrative parts of running a team, including uploading schedules onto TeamSnap, updating rosters, ensuring players have uniforms, etc.
- Ensure you and your team is familiar with our Club Communications Protocol. If a parent has a question/concern, follow this communications process: Players/Parents > Team Officials > Age Group Coordinator > Appropriate Club Staff* > Board of Directors. *Club staff includes League and Programs Registrar, Communications, Operations, Senior Technical Director and Technical Director.
Responsibilities of the Team Manager
- Every weekend, you should report the score of your team's game on our website (not applicable for U5/U6/U7).
- Recruit parents to assist coaches to line/cone the field for HOME GAMES, usually only when you are the first team to play on the field that day (Not applicable for U5/U6/U7).
- Recruit parents to assist coaches to set up or move goals for game days (Not applicable for U5/U6/U7).
- Ensure all team members are aware of team practice and game schedules promptly.
- Organize team refreshments after games or practices, with the help of other parents.
- Pass on to team members and their parents any communication regarding cancelled games or practices, re-scheduled games or practices, Club events such as team photos, Jamboree, Coaching Clinics, Tournaments, social events, re-registration and newsletters from the Club.
- Both manager and coach are responsible for the behaviour of the teams parents. Therefore, in case a parent is violating the Player/Parent code of Conduct, the manager or coach should try to de-escalate and handle the situation.
- Pick up and distribute team uniforms. At the beginning of every season, NVFC organizes a Uniform Distribution Day, where shorts, socks and shirts for every player are provided to the manager. Goalie shirt and gloves are also provided (Not applicable for U5/U6/U7/U8).
- Reminder: Only uniforms provided by NVFC are to be used during games. No other uniforms may be used other than those distributed by the Club.
- All team coaches and managers will be required to complete a Criminal Record Check and carry a BC Soccer Photo ID card or NSYSA ID lanyard to games. The purpose is to ensure that team officials on record are actually the ones running our children’s teams.
- Waitlist: Please advise your age group coordinator if any player drops out during the season; we often DO have a waiting list for players anxious to play soccer!
- Refunds are only available until September 31st. Our Registrar must be contacted and an administrative fee is deducted. The amount depends on the date of request. See our Refund Policy for the various dates & amounts.
- We recommend that Team Coaches hold a team meeting with parents at the beginning of the season to review issues such as game and practice expectations, safety, communications and problem-solving. Managers would work with your Team Coaches to arrange such a meeting early in the season.
- Optional: Organize team refreshments/snacks after games or practices & team parties/social events with the help of other parents
Need help during the season?
Age Group Coordinators (AGC) are here to help you with any questions or concerns, so please don’t hesitate to contact them. Just keep in mind that some AGCs manage up to 300 players, so response times may vary.
Criminal Records Check
As part of NVFC's commitment to safety and security, volunteers are required to undergo a Criminal Record Check through the BC Government's Criminal Records Review Program's eCRC online service.
When a volunteer completes the eCRC, the results are confidentially sent to NVFC. The Club will then provide the necessary Club ID and Access Code for the eCRC process via email to our volunteers. If you are volunteering and have not yet received this information, you should contact Jaki Guterres to obtain the details.
Get your CRC:
CRC's can now be easily completed online through the Criminal Records Review Program via the BC Services Card App. You will need to download the App and set up an account which takes 5-10 minutes. From there, the account will be verified (can take up to one week) and then you can submit your application (5 minutes).
Access Code: Q5FSB5DVHG
The results will come directly to NVFC in 1-3 weeks. Please be aware that the procedure through NV-RCMP is no longer applicable, and that CRCs are valid for three years.