Game Schedules
Game schedules vary depending on age group and level. Find your age group and level of play, click on it, and save the file or page on your phone for easy access! Schedules may be published up to three weeks before the season starts due to field rentals and team formations:
Practice Schedules
- U8-U10 Scouting Nights Schedule
- U11-U18 Team Practice Schedule emailed directly to Team Officials
Lit Fields
- The Club rents gyms from the North Vancouver School District for the U6/U7 age groups. These contracts begin after Thanksgiving. Until then, U6/U7 teams should practice on any available non-lit gravel field of their choosing (these fields don't require a booking).
- U6/U7 Gym Practice Schedule
- Terms & Conditions of Gym Usage
Grass Fields Status
The DNV and CNV will inspect fields and inform of their status through their Facebook, Instagram and X accounts.
DNV Fields: Facebook / Instagram
CNV Fields: Twitter
You can also read the NVRC's Fields FAQ, and Field Status page.
Important: Practicing on grass fields in the City and District of North Vancouver is prohibited! Grass fields are “reserved” only for league play with valid permits. Practicing on grass playing fields without a permit will result in a report to your club and some disciplinary action. If your grass field is not open, you may be contacted with an alternate field.
Grass Field Protocol
The first team to use the field has to unlock goals, place the nets, and line the field. The last team must lock the goals and put the nets away. If you are the first home team:
- Get a key from the Delbrook Recreation Centre front desk for $5.
- Unlock the nets, and the whiting shed to access lime to line the field.
- You can find the whiting shed locations here.
For more questions, please visit the NVRC Website.
Field Issues
REPORT AN ISSUE WITH A CITY FIELD: The City of North Vancouver’s app, City Fix, allows the public to alert the City about possible issues. It's available for download for iPhone and Android. For immediate issues, call CNV's Operations Centre at 604-987-7155 during business hours or 604-988-2212 for after-hours emergencies.
REPORT AN ISSUE WITH A DISTRICT FIELD: You can report issues on DNV's website at For problems that need immediate attention, call 604-990-2311 (weekdays 8:00 am – 4:30 pm) or 604-990-3666 (weekends, holidays & after-hours).