Session Plans
The following links are meant to support our volunteer coaches in their session planning and implementation. To better develop your sessions, choose the link that corresponds to the age group and level you are coaching:
Rules and Format
Coach Development
NVFC strongly believes in and supports coach training and education by offering certification courses, clinics and seminars, age group-specific orientation sessions, practice and training plans, and technical support to coaches and teams at no extra cost.
Every September, the Club hosts four mandatory CSA / BCSA courses for all coaches. Course details and registration instructions will be emailed to appointed coaches close to the start of the season. You do not need to retake a course if you've completed the course in the past.
NVFC Coaching Requirements
- Age group-specific courses (head coaches) - take once
- NCCP General courses (head coaches) - take once
- Respect In Sport Activity Leader Online Course (head and assistant coaches) - valid for 5 years
- Criminal Record Check (ALL team officials - including managers and other volunteers) - valid for 3 years
Enroll in a Course
Age group-specific courses (Head Coaches)
Canada Soccer has made coach education more accessible by dividing all courses into two components: Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) Theory Component (Part 1) and British Columbia Soccer Association (BCSA) On-Field Component (Part 2). NVFC hosts the BCSA Part 2 component each September at the start of the season.
Follow these steps to enroll in a course:
- Create a Coach Centre account: If you already have one, please proceed to step 2.
- Register for a CSA Theory course (Part 1): You must register with the exact same name and email address registered on Coach Centre, and choose to pay as an "individual". Once payment is processed, you will receive an email with instructions to access your theory course. This CSA Course is a pre-requisite for the BCSA On-Field Component (Part 2), so we recommend you complete the online theory well in advance. It may take 7-10 days for your profile to be updated with your online completion. You will receive an email once your course credit has been applied to your Coach Centre account profile, at which time you can proceed to Register for the BCSA On-Field practical workshop. Note that CSA requires each participant to pay for this portion themselves (there is no Club pay code for the CSA online). NVFC will refund each coach for this once they have completed the BCSA On Field portion (Part 2).
- Register for the BCSA On-Field practical workshop (Part 2): Search for the NVFC-hosted course that corresponds to the age level you are coaching, and use the discount codes below:
- Must complete CSA online first, then BCSA on-field part. Use the discount code below:
- U6 Active Start Code: NVFCAS
- U7/U8 Fundamentals Code: NVFCFUN
- U9-U13 Learn To Train Code: NVFCL2T
- U14+ Soccer For Life Code: NVFCS4L
NCCP General Courses (Head Coaches)
- Create a Locker Coach account
- Find and register for the following online courses:
- Making Headway in Soccer online concussion module (free 60-90 min course)
- Emergency Action Plan online module (free 15-min course)
- Rule of Two online module (free 15-min course)
- Make Ethical Decisions Training module and/or online evaluation - (effective September 2024)
Respect In Sport Activity Leader Online Course (Head + Assistant Coaches)
- Get your free discount code by reading the instructions in the link below
- Note: This course does not have to be done in one sitting.
- Click here to complete
Criminal Record Check (Head + Assistant Coaches - Every 3 years)
- Learn the steps to complete the CRC here.
Do I have to pay for a course?
The CSA portion of the registration costs will be reimbursed after completion of the on-field NVFC/BCSA portion. For the BCSA portion hosted by the Club, please use the registration code above during registration.
Any coach wishing to further their education beyond the community stream and attend the BCSA C License should contact our Technical Director regarding reimbursement eligibility details. All coaches must register on the CSA and BC Soccer websites for any courses. New coaches will need to create a profile.
Criminal Records Check
As part of NVFC's commitment to safety and security, volunteers are required to undergo a Criminal Record Check through the BC Government's Criminal Records Review Program's eCRC online service.
When a volunteer completes the eCRC, the results are confidentially sent to NVFC. The Club will then provide the necessary Club ID and Access Code for the eCRC process via email to our volunteers. If you are volunteering and have not yet received this information, you should contact Jaki Guterres to obtain the details.
Get your CRC:
CRC's can now be easily completed online through the Criminal Records Review Program via the BC Services Card App. You will need to download the App and set up an account which takes 5-10 minutes. From there, the account will be verified (can take up to one week) and then you can submit your application (5 minutes).
Access Code: Q5FSB5DVHG
The results will come directly to NVFC in 1-3 weeks. Please be aware that the procedure through NV-RCMP is no longer applicable, and that CRCs are valid for three years.
Looking for something else?
Need to access your team's schedule or field set up? Click below: